Most Url Dispatchers Are Redundant

Last week as I was reviewing a small snippet of code adding yet another url pattern to application route table, I got struck by this thought:

wait a second, this url routing - it should not be part of application, but rather - of webserver. Application is responsible for taking input and producing output, and url parsing and processing is not part of that process. Meanwhile, webservers are super efficient at taking a request and passing it to a correct handler functions, via gateways.

Immediately, I noted it to myself and over following days I began to tinker this idea in my mind. Why did it suddenly pop in my head? Does it make sense at all to do that? If it does - why it is not done and how it should be done? What would be some immediate problems if suddenly I decided to switch all my application routing to webservers?

As to why it caught my attention, the answer is pretty easy: at my startup I happen to be two-in-one person. As a software engineer I work on the APIs our servers provide for mobile application; as a site reliability engineer I make sure that our infrastructure is in perfect shape to run the server code - part of which is configuring web servers. So, as I am sharing my time between the two parts of the whole picture, I suppose, the inception of this idea was a natural thought process.


Does it make sense? The more time I spend thinking about it, the more I am convinced that it actually does. Hear me out:

1. Web servers are more efficient at routing urls.

Probably all modern day web frameworks or libraries implement a url routing component. This component usually works by applying request url to a list of patterns to find first most specific match. Some of them do not even try to optimize this process[1], some of them - do[2, 3]. But they are all bound by the performance of the language they are implemented in and the overhead of request processing and initialization.

I may as well be an ignorant fool, but I think in this exact case a compiled language solution would always win and so it happens that modern production grade web servers are written in compiled languages. Also they have more options for URL patterns, e.g. they can be static, prefix based or regular expressions. This leads to my next point…

2. Web servers have better low-level[4] http control options.

After the routing is done, web frameworks require application to parse request, either directly or with support from helpers, to give some control over which HTTP methods are supported. Also, some of the frameworks force you into doing response caching at application level.

Again, this could be done by webservers - they are good at low-level http control as well as working as a proxy cache. It would free the application of a lot of redundant code.

3. Web servers are good at rudimentary url processing.

Imagine, a webserver matches correct url pattern, extracts the parameters and forwards them to the application handler. Well… here’s a snippet from Nginx configuration[5]:

    location ~ ^/api/1/resource/(?P<resource_id>\d+)/?$ {
        uwsgi_pass      app_server;
        include         /etc/nginx/uwsgi_params;
        uwsgi_param     SCRIPT_NAME /resource;
        uwsgi_param     PARAM_RESOURCE_ID $resource_id;
        uwsgi_modifier1 30;

And a handler:

    import uwsgi

    def resource(request, response):
        response('200 OK', [('Content-Type', 'text/plain')])
        yield "Resource Id: {resource_id}".format(

    uwsgi.applications = {
        '/resource': resource,

Notice how resource_id is captured[7] and passed along to uWsgi handler (upstream).

Now the framework/application is doing what it actually is supposed to be doing: given input - generate output.

4. Url patterns are inherently static.

Emphasis on the word patterns.

Any time a new website view (function) or resource (for API) is created - url pattern to access it is born, and it shouldn’t[6] change. In essence, meaning it is a static content. Gentlemans rule of thumb in web development is that serving static content (js, css, images) should never reach the execution path of your application and so - most of the static files on the internet are served directly by web servers[7].

Wouldn’t it make more sense to somehow deploy the mapping of patterns-handlers to webserver, rather than process them on every request?

5. Url routing becomes reduced to to a well defined interface.

I think this is the most impactful thing that comes out of the previous 4 points.

The single black-box component, that ties together all different pieces of many web frameworks together, is gone. A component, which more often than not forces the developer to a specific mindset or code architecture, is gone and suddenly - nothing stands in between a request and application code.

Please, give yourself a minute for this idea to sink in - a web framework is reduced to a well defined, standardized and transparent interface[8] that is plugged into a webserver. To me this sounds like liberating.


Thinking further, I tried to come up with countering ideas - what immediate problems this practice would cause. Disclaimer: I am very high about this idea right now, so most likely I am doing very bad job at countering it. More ideas are welcome.

First, url patterns are used two ways - to resolve request into a handler, and also a reverse - given parameters generate url. Wouldn’t this immediately force into duplication - in application and in web server? A dubious answer is - it depends. Obviously, if application needs them and web server needs them and you type them in both by hand - it is of course a duplication.

But then again, if one place is promoted as authority - let’s say application level - a tool that generates web server url pattern configuration file, that can be deployed together with code, would reduce the effect of duplication by automating it.

Second - testing. Some of the frameworks provide a testing facility, that allows to mimick url requests in unit tests or integration tests. At first thought - this would require to implement a url dispatcher nonetheless, just to make it work, but…

On second thought, does that testing facility actually test the url? No way - there’s a webserver in production which can drastically change the behaviour of any url, as often is the case. What that facility is doing - is just testing web frameworks url routing component. Does this test belong to unit or integration tests? No. More like acceptance or smoke tests.

So with urls in webserver, fake testing client becomes redundant and can (must!) be exchanged with a real http requests library. Further, acceptance tests are in their correct place and test the actual thing, rather than faking it.

Third - what’s the point? Well, with this I can not argue, but I can express my position, which is: I am a huge fan of clean and simple interfaces. I am a huge fan of being able to control the structure of the code as it fits the application and not a framework or a library.

Some might say, that there’s no point even thinking about it, because url resolving takes very little time wherever it happens. True! But… I am a huge fan of less code - if this allows me to shave a huge chunk (all) of code standing between my code and the web server - for the better!

Also, I am curious how one would benchmark url router under heavy load? I think benchmarks are hard and I haven’t done anything more except for a simple proof of concept that such setup could work, but my gut tells me that under stress - performance of non-webserver url dispatcher would diverge to the worse. (This is my speculation.)


As to why would it seem so ubiquitous for everyone to use a framework/library embedded url dispatcher I came up with two hypotheses:

1. It is historical legacy.

Long time ago web servers were configured to use one directory with multiple .html files as an entry point to a website. In fact, people were lazy to always enter index.html at the end of url, so there were options like DirectoryIndex, which would tell web server which file to load if none was specified. Then dynamic and template languages emerged and suddenly websites became a bunch of .py, .php, .cgi script files with HTML embedded between bits of logic, representing a page of a website.

2. Convenience.

Before long someone noticed that with the help of dynamic languages it is much easier to process all requests in one index.php file, rather than repeat a lot of bootstrapping code throughout the files. Also, web server management ten years ago was really cumbersome process, that was mostly frowned upon and thought in terms of “yuck, let’s finish this quickly and move back to the real deal.”

Fast forward to this day and adding a new url to application level code seems normal, because hey - all the frameworks and libraries do that.

What now?

Honestly, I do not know, but I will continue to tinker this idea further. What do you think? (Discussion on HackerNews).


[1]: I beleive Django url resolver considers every pattern as regex.

[2]: I believe Pyramid traverse does that.

[3]: JAX-RS Specification.

[4]: By low-level I mean which HTTP methods are supported and not Authorization or Authentication.

[5]: Regular expressions names in Nginx

[6]: Cool URIs don’t change

[7]: Unless the static content is compiled by application code, but even then it is cached on webserver for performance reasons.

[8]: Be it WSGI or Pump.

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